An official army family and MWR Site
Tabletop Day
2 pm
January 4th
January 5th
There are no events scheduled on January 5th.
January 6th
Anime Night
6 pm
January 6th
January 7th
Wiggles & Giggles

Light tumbling, games and open play for ages 2-4

11:30 am - 12:30 pm
January 7th
Hydro Intensity

A low impact circuit training class

5:30 pm
January 7th
January 8th
Story Time
10:30 am
January 8th
Ping Pong Tournament
6 pm
January 8th
January 9th
Story Time
10:30 am
January 9th
Adult Swim Lessons

Every Thursday

5:30 pm - 6 pm
January 9th
January 10th
Pool Tournament
6 pm
January 10th