An official army family and MWR Site

Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)


Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) is a dynamic Department of the Army program. Participants enhance their quality of life, contribute to their community through community service activities, and assist in the planning and execution of their own recreation and leisure events.


BOSS Rep Meetings are every 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 10am at Barlow Theatre (7264 Normandy, Dr.) 

Three Pillars of the BOSS Program

Quality of Life

Quality of Life includes those issues that Soldiers can directly or indirectly influence  to enhance their morale, living environment, or personal growth and development. Issues raised during BOSS meetings will be directed to the appropriate command or staff agency for resolution on the installation.

Community Service

BOSS makes a difference by volunteering in community projects and events. This is always  voluntary in nature, and Soldiers find this to be personally rewarding.

Recreation & Leisure

Fun activities are planned by the BOSS council working in conjunction with the Family and MWR Advisor and Command Sergeant Major. These events are geared towards the desires of the Single Soldiers on that installation.