- Deployment Support to Soldiers and units preparing to deploy or returning from a deployment. Information and referral services assist Soldiers and Family members dealing with deployment and redeployment questions, concerns, and challenges. Services can be tailored to assist commanders in meeting the deployment and redeployment needs of their SFRG. Commanders also have the virtual SFRG (vSFRG) as a tool to communicate with their SFRG membership in a secure online environment, especially during deployment.
- Family Readiness Training for command teams, Command Family Readiness Representatives, and SFRG volunteers.
- Emergency Family Assistance, provided when disaster strikes an Army community and accessed through multiple methods:
- Through an ADPAAS electronic assessment, Soldiers and Families can identify needs, which will be assigned to the closest ACS ADPAAS case manager
- Through the Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC), a garrison-level, one-stop location for Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members to access needed recovery services
- During noncombatant evacuation and repatriation operations for personnel in OCONUS locations
- Deployment Support for Spouses
Hearts Apart
Offers support to Family Members who are living separately from their Service Member due to mission (i.e. deployment, unaccompanied tour, extended TDY, etc.) requirements. The program sponsors events and services to help make life a little less stressful during separations. Participants will have an opportunity to attend social activities, educational workshops, and to meet, share and network with other families. Contact your ACS Specialist for more information.
Family Members are eligible to participate in Hearts Apart activities 30 days prior to, during and 90 days after effective date of orders.
Military & Family Life Counselors (MFLCs)
MFLCs are available to help Service Members and Family Members deal with the many challenges military families face, deployment and redeployment issues, relationship issues, parenting challenges, and more. MFLCs do not keep any records. For more information or to speak to an MFLC please visit or contact Army Community Service.
- Soldier and Family Readiness Groups (SFRG)
SFRGs are a commander's program that enhance communication, information and resource networks during all phases of military life. SFRGs provide stability to unit members during field exercises, deployment and other mission related separations and offer vital information to those newly assigned to the unit.
Soldier and Family Readiness Group Trainings
- Leader and Foundations Training
- This class provides instruction and guidance to assist Commanders, newly appointed SFRG Leaders and Family Readiness Liaisons (SFRL) on the operations of the SFRG.
- Funds Custodian & Foundations Training
- Training on maintaining the SFRG Informal Fund, SFRG fundraising guidelines, and duties of an SFRG Funds Custodian
- Key Contact & Foundations Training
- Instruction on the roles, responsibilities, and duties of an SFRG Key Contact volunteer
- Soldier Family Readiness Liaison (SFRL) Initial Training
- Instruction and guidance for SFRLs and initial training for Soldiers assigned to be Brigade or Battalion SFRLs
- Care Team Training
- Provides instruction and guidance on the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the appointed Care Team volunteers who may be activated to provide short-term support after a trauma or crisis in the unit.
- Command Team Training for SFRG
- Introduction and guidance to Company Commanders and First Sergeants on command team roles and responsibilities. This training is facilitated as part pf the Pre-Command Course scheduled by 1ID
Interested in volunteering for your SFRG?
Volunteers are the foundation of all SFRGs. Command teams often rely on SFRG volunteers to help execute their Soldier and Family Readiness plan. There are many different volunteer opportunities within the SFRG. Contact your unit SFRG leader, family readiness liaison or commander for information on how you can be a part of the SFRG volunteer Family.
- Leader and Foundations Training
Deployment isn’t easy. Mobilization, Deployment and Stability and Support Operations (MD&SSO) helps make it as smooth as possible—for units, Soldiers, and Families.
MD&SSO provides training and publications to help commanders, Soldiers, and Families navigate the challenges of mobilization and deployment. We also have resources for rear detachment cadre and Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG) leaders.
We assist the chain of command by empowering SFRG leadership and volunteers, providing them with robust training and resources to maintain a successful and effective SFRG. In addition, Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSAs) provide administrative and logistical support to commanders, rear detachment commanders, and SFRG leaders.
MD&SSO also assists during Noncombatant Evacuation and Repatriation Operations. During emergencies, the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS) helps gain accountability, assess Family needs, and coordinate assistance.
The MD&SSO Program provides:
Other Deployment Readiness Resources
(Government Links)
Plan My Deployment. Military OneSource’s Plan My Deployment provides tips, resources, and articles to help prepare for all phases of the deployment. Click here to access Plan My Deployment.
Soldier and Family Readiness Groups (SFRGs). SFRGs and virtual SFRGs (vSFRGs) offer Families official and accurate command information, connect Soldiers and Families to the chain of command, provide a network of mutual support, and connect SFRG members to on/off-post community resources.
Social Media. Social media can be a powerful tool to inform, influence, and engage Soldiers and Families. Click here to access the Army's Social Media site.
Ready Army. Ready Army is the Army’s proactive campaign to increase the resilience of the Army community and enhance its readiness by taking stock of and preparing for relevant hazards. Click here to access Ready Army
(Non-Government Links, No Endorsement Implied)
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP). YRRP is a DoD-wide effort to promote the well-being of National Guard and reserve members, as well as their Families and communities, by connecting them with resources throughout the phases of deployment. Click here to access YRRP.